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Is there a dress code?YES! Clear Motivations focuses on helping our participants look work ready! Having a dress code is not only an agreement between internship sites and Clear Motivations but also supports our participants in training into their future employer's dress code.
Does my son/daughter/client have an option where they intern?Internship sites are located within the participant's city of residence. If the participant chooses to attend a different location, the participant can do so if an opening is available. The participant may be responsible for their transportation.
Does Clear Motivations pay the participants?During the Internship Training program, participants do not get paid. Participants will get paid once they obtain direct employment just like any working adult.
Will my son/daughter/client get hired at the internship site?This all depends on if the internship site is hiring and if the participant chooses the internship site as a possible employer. The internship sites provide our participants with training experience and an opportunity to build their resume.
How long will it take for my son/daughter/client to get hired?As we like to say, every journey is different. Our goal is to prepare each participant to acquire the necessary skills for direct employment. Some participants may need more support than others, but our goal is to help every participant be part of today's workforce.
Does Clear Motivations have an additional behavioral component?Unfortunately, not. Our coaches are not Pro-Act trained.
Does Clear Motivations provide transportation?Yes, Clear Motivations provides transportation to most cities in Orange County.
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